pyoptools.gui.ipywidgets module

Module with functions and classes to represent the pyoptools objects in jupyter notebooks.

pyoptools.gui.ipywidgets.Plot3D(S, size=(800, 200), center=(0, 0, 0), rot=[(1.0471975511965976, 0.5235987755982988, 0)], scale=1)

Function to create 3D interactive visualization widgets in a jupyter notebook

  • S – (System, Component or Component) Object to plot
  • size – (Tuple(float,float)) Field of view in X and Y for the window shown in the notebook.
  • center – (Tuple(float,float,float) Coordinate of the center of the visualization window given in the coordinate system of the object to plot.
  • rot – List of tuples. Each tuple describe an (Rx, Ry, Rz) rotation and are applied in order to generate the first view of the window.
  • scale – (float) Scale factor applied to the rendered window

pyjs renderer needed to show the image in the jupiter notebook.