Installing pyOpTools

Getting it

pyOpTools can be downloaded from the project GitHub repository at:

Installing via pip

On Windows, Mac OS and Linux you can use pip` to install pyOpTools.

pip install pyoptools

This will install the latest available version of pyoptools.

Installing it in Debian 11 (should work on any Debian derivative)

pyOpTools is being developed almost exclusively using “Debian derivative” Linux distributions, so this installation procedure is the most tested and reliable. To generate the pyoptool .deb package you just need to run the following command in the project root:

make deb

This will create a .deb package outside the pyOpTool’s source root tree. This can be installed using the command:

dpkg -i python3-pyoptools_<version>_<platform>.deb

where version/platform should be adjusted accordingly.

Installing pyOpTools inside a python virtualenv

After a Python3 virtualenv is created and activated, pyOpTools can be installed by running the following command, inside the project root:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 install

Visualizing pyOpTools simulations in a JupyterLab notebook

Before being able to visualize pyOpTools simulations in a jupyterlab Notebook, pythreejs must be enabled:

jupyter labextension install jupyter-threejs

after this is done, you will be able to visualize the simulations using the Plot3D() command. JupyterLab and pythreejs are listed in the requirements.txt file so there is no need to install them separetelly.

The plot window is interactive. Using the mouse, it is possible to rotate the image by click and drag with the left button, zoom by using the scroll wheel and translate by click and drag with the right button.


Please do not run jupyter lab from the pyOpTools source code directory. pyOptools modules will not import correctly.