pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib module

Helper module with definition of standard optical components

The classes imported in this module are defined in the _comp_lib module, and are used to create the surfaces and the components needed to define some standard optical components, and return an instance to such components. This module hides from the end user un needed stuff.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.AirSpacedDoublet(radius=25.0, curvature_s1=0.01, curvature_s2=0.01, curvature_s3=0.01, curvature_s4=0.01, thickness_l1=5, air_gap=5, thickness_l2=5, material_l1=1.0, material_l2=1.0, *args, **kwarks)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.system.system.System

Class to define a an Air Spaced Doublet Lens

This class is used to define a System with containing the components needed to define a Doublet lens.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the doublet
  • curvature_s1 (float) – Curvature of the anterior surface of the first lens
  • curvature_s2 (float) – Curvature of the posterior surface of the first lens
  • curvature_s3 (float) – Curvature of the anterior surface of the first lens
  • curvature_s4 (float) – Curvature of the posterior surface of the first lens
  • thickness_l1 (float) – Thickness of the anterior lens at the optical axis
  • thickness_l2 (float) – Thickness of the posterior lens at the optical axis
  • air_gap (float) – Distance between the 2 lenses
  • material_l1 (float or Material subclass instance) – Material of the anterior lens
  • material_l2 (float or Material subclass instance) – Material of the posterior lens

The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of the doublet in the optical axis.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.AsphericLens(outer_diameter=8.0, thickness=3.0, material=1.5, origin='center', s1={'diameter': 6.0, 'k': -1.5, 'max_thickness': None, 'polycoefficents': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003, 0, -1e-05), 'roc': 3.0}, s2=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Helper class to define radially-symmetric aspherical lenses.

Both single sided and double sided aspherics are supported. Lenses with a outer brim larger than the aspheric surface are supported.

  • thickness (float) – The total thickness in mm of the lens at the maximum
  • outer_diameter (float, optional) – The outer diameter of the lens in mm. If unspecified or None, will be found from the largest of either aspheric surface.
  • material (Material or float) – Material defining the refraction index of the lens. Can be a material instance or floating point number if the refraction index is constant.
  • origin (str) –

    Where along the optical axis to place the origin of the coordinate system. By default will the the geometric center. Can also be:

    ’s1_max’ : Point of maximum thickness on s1 ‘s1_min’ : Point of minimum thickness on s1 ‘s2_max’ : Point of maximum thickness on s2 ‘s2_min’ : Point of minimum thickness on s2 ‘center’ : Geometric center

    These options can be convenient for placing the origin at mounting face.

  • s1 (dict) – Radially symmetric aspheric surface definition dict for the anterior surface, as described below.
  • s2 (dict, optional) – Either None for a plano-aspheric lens or a symmetric aspheric surface definition dict for the posterior surface, as described below.
  • Definitions (Surface) –
  • -------------------
  • diameter (float) – Diameter of the aspheric surface in mm
  • roc (float) – Radius of curvature parameter for the surface in mm
  • k (float) – Conic constant
  • polycoefficents (tuple of float) – Tuple listing the higher order aspheric coefficients The first element corresponds to index zero. Typically, the elements used in a surface description are even numbered, starting at index 4, so the first four elements are typically zero.
  • max_thickness (float, optional) – Maximum thickness of the surface in mm or None. If None, the maximum thickness will be found from the thickness at zero radius, however not all possible surfaces have the maximum here.
class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.BeamSplitingCube(*argv, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace._comp_lib.cube.BeamSplittingCube

Deprecated class, please use the one with the correct spelling BeamSplittingCube


Will be removed in the future

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.BeamSplittingCube(size=50.0, reflectivity=0.5, material=1.0, **traits)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.system.system.System

Class to define a BeamSplittingCube.

This class defines an System object containing the components to define an BeamSplitingCube.

  • size (float) – Side dimension of the cube
  • reflectivity (float) – Reflectivity of the hypotenuse (between 0 and 1).
  • material (float or Material subclass instance) – Material used to make the cube. Used to calculate the refraction index of the cube

The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of the cube in the optical axis (center of the hypotenuse).

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.Block(size=(10, 10, 10), **traits)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a Glass Block

This class defines a component containing a glass block

Parameters:size (tuple(float, float, float)) – Tuple (W,H,L) containing the width, height and length of the glass block. Dimensions given in mm.
class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.CCD(size=(10, 10), transparent=True, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a CCD like detector

  • size (tuple(float, float)) – Tuple with the physical size (sx,sy) of the CCD chip
  • transparent (bool) – Boolean to set the detector transparent characteristic. Not implemented

Using the same CCD, images of different resolutions can be simulated. See the im_show and spot_diagram methods

get_color_image(size=(256, 256))

Returns the CCD hit_list as a color image, using the rays wavelength.

Parameters:size – Tuple (dx,dy) containing the image size in pixels. Use this attribute to set the simulated resolution.
get_image(size=(256, 256))

Returns the ccd hit_list as a grayscale PIL image

Parameters:size – Tuple (dx,dy) containing the image size in pixels. Use this a ttribute to set the simulated resolution.

Return the optical path of the rays hitting the detector.

This method returns a tuple X,Y,D, containing the X,Y hit points, and D containing the optical path data


If the rays hitting the surface are produced by more than one optical source, the information may not be valid.

get_optical_path_map(size=(20, 20), mask=None)

Return the optical path of the rays hitting the detector.

This method uses the optical path of the rays hitting the surface to create a optical path map. The returned value is an interpolation of the values obtained by the rays.


If the rays hitting the surface are produced by more than one optical source, the returned map might not be valid.

  • size – Tuple (nx,ny) containing the number of samples of the returned map. The map size will be the same as the CCD
  • maskShape instance containing the mask of the aperture. If not given, the mask will be automatically calculated.

A masked array as defined in the module, containing the optical paths

Return a 2D polinomial describing the the optical path of the
rays hitting the detector.
Parameters:order – Order of the polynomial used to fit the data
Returns:tuple (e, p) where e es the rms error of the data when compared with the returned polynomial, and p is a poly2d instance.

List containing a tuple for each ray hitting the CCD. The first component of the tuple is the coordinates of intersection of the ray with the CCD (in its coordinate system). The second component of each tuple points to the Ray that intersected the CCD.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.CylindricalLens(size=(20, 20), thickness=10, curvature_s1=0.005, curvature_s2=0.005, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a rectangular shaped cylindrical Lens.

  • size (tuple(float,float)) – Size (sx,sy) of the lens in mm
  • thickness (float) – Thickness of the lens at the center
  • curvature_s1 (float) – Curvature of the anterior surface of the lens, in mm.
  • curvature_s2 (float) – Curvature of the posterior surface of the lens, in mm.
  • material (float or Material’s subclass instance) – Material of the lens


This component is composed only by the front and back surfaces. The surfaces closing the edges are not implemented yet. User must take this in to account and avoid rays that can enter or leave the lense by the edges.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.Doublet(radius=25.0, curvature_s1=0.01, curvature_s2=0.01, curvature_s3=0.01, thickness_l1=5, thickness_l2=5, material_l1=1.0, material_l2=1.0, *args, **kwarks)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.system.system.System

Class to define a Doublet Lens

This class is used to define a System with containing the components needed to define a Doublet lens.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the doublet. Given in mm
  • curvature_s1 (float) – Curvature of the anterior surface. Given in 1/mm
  • curvature_s2 (float) – Curvature of the middle surface. Given in 1/mm
  • curvature_s3 (float) – Curvature of the last surface
  • thickness_l1 (float) – Thickness of the anterior lens at the optical axis
  • thickness_l2 – Thickness of the posterior lens at the optical axis
  • material_l1 (float or Material subclass instance) – Material of the anterior lens
  • material_l2 – Material of the posterior lens

The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of the doublet in the optical axis.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.DovePrism(s, l, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a dove prism

  • s (float) – Height and depth of the dove prism
  • l (float) – Width of the dove prism (length of the longest side)
  • material (float or Material’s subclass instance) – Material of the prism


The pentaprism has no upper or lower surface. Care must be taken to avoid rays entering or exiting by such apertures.


Fix this

pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.IdealLens(shape=<pyoptools.raytrace.shape.rectangular.Rectangular object>, f=100)

Function to create a component that behaves as an ideal lens

Parameters:shape (Shape) – Shape of the lens
pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.IdealTLens(shape=<pyoptools.raytrace.shape.rectangular.Rectangular object>, ap_shape=<pyoptools.raytrace.shape.rectangular.Rectangular object>, f=100, d=20)

Function to define an ideal thick lens.

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.MultiLens(sd, *args, **kwarks)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.system.system.System

Class to define a multilens system from a table of parameters as given in standard raytracing programs.


List of tuples (ty, rad, thick, semid, matcat, marref) that contain each of the parameters needed to define each spherical surface using the same format used by the standard raytracing software. * ty: str

String representing the surface type. For the moment only “spherical” surfaces are valid.
  • rad: float
    Radius of the surface in mm
  • thick: float
    Thickness of the material in mm. Distance from this surface to the next. For the last surface it has no real meaning.
  • semid: float
    Semi-diameter (radius) in mm of the round aperture that limits the surface.
  • matcat: str
    String with the material catalog where the material is defined. If matcat = “”, the first material with name matref will be used.
  • matref: str of float
    String with the material name, or or number representing the constant refraction index of the material. matref = “” means there is no material between the 2 surfaces.

The origin of the optical system is located in the center of the Multilens in the optical axis. The center is the mid-point between the 2 most external vertices

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.PentaPrism(s, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a pentaprism

  • s (float) – Size of the entrance aperture of the pentaprism (the aperture is square)
  • material (float or Material’s subclass instance) – Material of the pentaprism


The pentaprism has no upper or lower surface. Care must be taken to avoid rays entering or exiting by such apertures.


Fix this

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.PowellLens(radius=4.445, thickness=7.62, K=-4.302, R=3.0, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a powell Lens.


diameter/2. of the lens in the part of the cylinder
Thickness of the lens measured in the center
Conicity K
Conicity of the aspherical surface
curvature R
curvature of the aspherical surface
to calculate the refraction index of the lens (inherited from component)

The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of the lens in the optical axis (center between vertex).

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.RectGratting(size=(50.0, 50.0, 10.0), reflectivity=0.0, lpmm=600, angle=0, M=[1], *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.RectMirror(size=(50.0, 50.0, 10.0), reflectivity=0.5, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.RightAnglePrism(width=50, height=10.0, reflectivity=0, reflega=0, reflegb=0, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define a Right Angle Prism.


width Width of the prism face
height Height of the prism face
material To calculate the refraction index of the prism (inherited from component)
reflectivity Reflectivity of the coating of the hypotenuse. For a normal prism it is 0. Note: Total internal reflection works in the prism.
reflega Reflectivity of the Leg A of the prism. For a normal prism it is 0.
reflegb Reflectivity of the Leg B of the prism. For a normal prism it is 0.

The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of hypotenuse face of the prism

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.RoundMirror(radius=50.0, thickness=10, reflectivity=0.5, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.SphericalLens(radius=50.0, thickness=10, curvature_s1=0.005, curvature_s2=0.005, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Helper class to define spherical lenses.

radius Aperture radious of the lens given in mm
thickness Thickness of the lens measured in the center given in mm
curvature_s1 curvature of the anterior surface given in 1/mm
curvature_s2 curvature of the posterior surface given in 1/mm
material Used to calculate the refraction index of the lens (inherited from component). Can be a material instance or floating point number if the refraction index is constant.


Returns a Component subclass that behaves as a spherical lens. The origin of the Component’s coordinate system is located at the center of the lens in the optical axis (mid-point between vertex of the Spherical surfaces).

paraxial_constants(wavelength=0.58929, n=1.0)

Method to calculate the paraxial constants of a spherical lens


wavelength Wavelength used for the calculations
n Refraction index of the surrounding media


3 element tuple (f, afl, pfl) containing

f Effective Focal length
afl Anterior focal length (negative for positive lenses)
pfl Posterior focal length (positive for positive lenses)
class pyoptools.raytrace.comp_lib.Stop(shape=None, ap_shape=None, **traits)

Bases: pyoptools.raytrace.component.component.Component

Class to define an stop component.

This component is used to simulate apertures or diafragms in an optical system


shape Stop external shape
ap_shape Aperture (hole) shape

shape and ap_shape are instances of any sub-class of Shape.


The aperture shape must be contained by the external shape, but this is not checked.