Installing pyOpTools

Getting it

pyOpTools can be downloaded from the project GitHub repository at:

Installing via pip

No matter if you’re using Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, you can easily install pyOpTools. Jupyter Lab is a dependency of the pyoptools package, so it will also be installed automatically when you install pyoptools using pip. Using the installed Jupyter Lab you should be able to run all the examples in this documentation without any trouble.

Just run this command:

pip install pyoptools

This will install the latest version of pyoptools along with Jupyter Lab, so you’re all set to run the examples hassle-free.

Installing it in Debian 12 (should work on any Debian derivative)

The preferred method for installing pyOpTools, particularly on “Debian derivative” Linux distributions, is to install it as a system package. To generate the pyoptools .deb package, simply navigate to the project root and execute the following command:

make deb

Executing this command will generate a .deb package outside the pyOpTool’s source root tree. To install the generated package, use the following command:

dpkg -i python3-pyoptools_<version>_<platform>.deb

Make sure to adjust the <version> and <platform> parameters accordingly. This method eliminates the need for virtual environments and ensures a smooth installation process.